My Peace Plan, or Free All the Palestinians NOW!
Israel will do the following:
1. Open all cells to all jails and release all Palestinians at once directly into the Palestinian controlled areas.
2. Israel will consolidate and withdraw from 85% of all west bank lands.
3. Israel will completely finish all borders with any Palestinian lands, sealing them off to ZERO traffic.
4. Israel will start expelling any Arab citizen of Israel that is convicted of treason against the State of Israel and will legally strip thier citizenship.
5. Israel will cut off all water, electricity & medical services to any and all "Palestinian Areas"
6. ANY rocket attacks coming from Palestinian areas will be responded to with 10 fold rocket attacks at populated areas.
7. Israel will direct 10% of her R & D on fuel cell, bio-fuels & solar technology. Israel will share this technology with all peoples of the world to reduce usage of oil & oil by products.
8. Israel will expel any family members of suicide bombers from israel and strip citizenship of said persons.
9. Any islamic persons causing terrorism and shall die from said events will be wrapped in pig skins and dumped into the sea.
10. Any threats to the State of Israel made by heads of state (example Iran) will be responded to as acts of war and will be responded to by destruction of oil platforms, electric grids, major industrial targets, additional public comments by heads of enemy states will cause the destruction of thier governmental buildings, dams and other high value targets.
11. Any incursions on the border that israel sets for it's self will cause the dropping of 1 - 5 million cluster bomblets to be dropped on areas used to traverse borders.
12. Any attack on Jewish places of worship or community will be responded on by attacks on Islamic holy sites, starting with the Dome of the Rock, and ending with the bombing of the black rock.
this is my 1st draft at a peace plan....
any comments?